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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
710ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalLook at NRLYZE's 3D-toolJoo Chan Kim03/11/2025 03:58 PM
709ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalStudy state of the art regarding visualization of buildings, anomalies, energy flows...Saguna Saguna03/11/2025 03:59 PM
708ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalLook for 3D maps of KristianstadStaffan Fredlund03/11/2025 04:04 PM
707ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalLook for BIM or 3D models of "our schools"Petar Mitrovic03/11/2025 03:55 PM
706ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalSuggest date for study visit in Kristianstad after summerPetar Mitrovic03/11/2025 03:54 PM
705ENiSDABacklogNewNormalStudy visitsLeif Häggmark03/11/2025 03:53 PM
704ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalCheck state of the art of higher levels in ontologySaguna Saguna03/11/2025 01:53 PM
703ENiSDABacklogNewNormalVisualizationJoo Chan Kim03/07/2025 12:08 PM
702ESUDAFeatureNewNormalArrange meeting to discuss how to get data from Sara kulturhusLeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:44 AM
701ESUDAFeatureNewNormalHelp Nafil and Ruvimbo to get access to schedulesLeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:44 AM
700ESUDAFeatureNewNormalTalk to Google Hackathon organizers - Sell in challenges from ESUDALeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:42 AM
699ESUDAFeatureNewNormalShow ESUDA at Gender contact point dayLeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:40 AM
698ESUDAFeatureNewNormalRequest stand at EUSEW 2025Leif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:39 AM
697ESUDAFeatureNewNormalDesign and order rollupLeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:38 AM
695ENiSDAFeatureNewNormalOntology for Kristianstad, based on Piteå ontologyLars Hansson03/07/2025 11:59 AM
693ENiSDABacklogIn ProgressNormalSecuritySaguna Saguna03/07/2025 12:00 PM
692ENiSDAFeatureIn ProgressNormalSend requested data to NafilPetar Mitrovic03/07/2025 11:59 AM
690ESUDAFeatureNewNormalLook at a more hands-on dashboardJoo Chan Kim02/28/2025 11:37 AM
688ESUDAFeatureIn ProgressNormalCheck if Skellefteå municipality has an updated BIM for Sara kulturhusAndreas Hedlund02/28/2025 11:37 AM
687ESUDAFeatureNewNormalPlan for workshop with property owners 24/402/28/2025 11:37 AM
686ESUDAFeatureNewNormalBook meeting with Pite energi - Skellefteå kraft regarding APILeif Häggmark02/28/2025 11:37 AM
682ESUDAFeatureIn ProgressNormalLook at graphic presentation together with RuvimboNafil Lami02/28/2025 11:37 AM
678ESUDABacklogIn ProgressNormalEnergy declarationsJohan Stenlund02/28/2025 11:37 AM
673ESUDAFeatureIn ProgressNormalCheck if there are BIM models for any of the shcools in Skellefteå and PiteåAnders Haraldsson02/28/2025 11:37 AM
671ESUDAFeatureIn ProgressNormalFollowup of Zahraa's models in productionAndreas Hedlund02/28/2025 11:37 AM
(1-25/144) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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