Backlog #633: Access to data Feature #692: Send requested data to Nafil Backlog #634: Connectivity Feature #638: Start looking at connectivity for LTU Backlog #639: Adminstration Backlog #657: Ontology Feature #695: Ontology for Kristianstad, based on Piteå ontology Feature #704: Check state of the art of higher levels in ontology Backlog #693: Security Backlog #703: Visualization Feature #707: Look for BIM or 3D models of "our schools" Feature #708: Look for 3D maps of Kristianstad Feature #709: Study state of the art regarding visualization of buildings, anomalies, energy flows... Feature #710: Look at NRLYZE's 3D-tool Backlog #705: Study visits Feature #706: Suggest date for study visit in Kristianstad after summer Backlog #588: Välj ut fastigheter Backlog #591: Åtkomst till fastighetssystemen Feature #609: Start fetching data Feature #617: Namnge taggar för Skellefteå, tillsammans med Johan A och Anders Jonsson Feature #619: Välj ut fastigheter med mycket rumstemperaturs- och luftkvalitetssensorer Feature #671: Followup of Zahraa's models in production Feature #686: Book meeting with Pite energi - Skellefteå kraft regarding API Feature #701: Help Nafil and Ruvimbo to get access to schedules Feature #702: Arrange meeting to discuss how to get data from Sara kulturhus Backlog #593: Dataset Backlog #595: Disseminering Feature #687: Plan for workshop with property owners 24/4 Feature #697: Design and order rollup Feature #698: Request stand at EUSEW 2025 Feature #699: Show ESUDA at Gender contact point day Backlog #597: Metadata Backlog #607: Machine learning Backlog #626: Visualization Feature #641: Titta på API för att ta in data från plattformen till 3D-visualisering Feature #645: Also start thinking about "clicking down" to separate buildings (together with CGI) Feature #673: Check if there are BIM models for any of the shcools in Skellefteå and Piteå Feature #688: Check if Skellefteå municipality has an updated BIM for Sara kulturhus Feature #690: Look at a more hands-on dashboard Backlog #629: Hackathon Feature #700: Talk to Google Hackathon organizers - Sell in challenges from ESUDA Backlog #630: Rapportering till TVV Backlog #642: Ontologies Feature #643: Keep on working with ontologies together with Ruvimbo Feature #682: Look at graphic presentation together with Ruvimbo Backlog #678: Energy declarations Backlog #27: Add sensors Backlog #25: Platform packaging Backlog #26: Reports to Tillväxtverkt Backlog #35: GUI incl. design, for administrating sensors connected to the platform Feature #100: Put GUI into "our" Github Feature #101: Give Andreas access to our Github Feature #102: Install GUI on our platform Feature #110: Update documentation from workshops so that is up to date, and includes GUI Backlog #36: Functions to actuate IoT devices Feature #79: Develop LoRa part to support actuation Backlog #37: Functions to set data of virtual sensors and presenting them as AR Feature #46: How to develop virtual sensors with AR presentation Backlog #38: Security analysis of the platform Feature #47: Start security analysis Feature #61: Security report Backlog #39: How do we go on regarding AR? Feature #68: Go on dicussing with CGI regarding their application and their demo Feature #74: Ask for more Hololens GPS'es Backlog #40: Hackathon November 24th-26th Backlog #41: Elsys sensors Feature #86: Discuss price with Elsys and buy the sensors Backlog #42: Access to data Backlog #43: Make different actors develop services on the platform Feature #103: Manage Sogeti's work with services Backlog #64: LoRa air quality sensors Feature #70: Place out sensors Feature #98: Assemble the 7 last sensors Feature #99: Check LoRa coverage at Lejonströmsbron Backlog #66: SenseSmartRegion AR in Hololens Feature #84: Implement handling of data from our platform Feature #95: Introduce new person from LTU, to take over after NorthKingdom Feature #104: Send link to AR/Hololens code/documentation Backlog #77: Host the platform after the project Feature #82: Compare public cloud providers and make cost calculation Backlog #92: LoRa research Backlog #107: Dissemination Feature #108: Write proposal for FIWARE Summit - also involve Raihan Feature #109: Check cost of open access for papers Backlog #111: Function to import VA data from Sokigo tools into CGI's AR-tool Feature #549: Get feedback from Sundbyberg Backlog #112: Receive GUI documentation and store it in our Github Backlog #113: Make documentation from SSR ready for SSiO Backlog #120: Hololens GPS Feature #327: Test together with VA applikation Backlog #122: Air quality sensors Feature #582: Set up Grafana for data visualization, use air quality sensor as example Backlog #130: Sensors Backlog #127: Hololens AR Feature #379: Plan for usability test Backlog #132: Make presentation at a FIWARE Summit Backlog #144: Actuation function Backlog #146: Dust bin service Feature #259: Continue the dialogue with the municipality Backlog #148: Parking service Feature #294: Follow up meeting with Ceilia Trepka-Bloch Backlog #150: Hackathon ARctic Challenge 2018 Backlog #154: Broaden platform competence Backlog #157: Machine learning for platform security Backlog #160: Sogeti work with Municipality lighting and Alimak Feature #176: Sogeti reports every sprint meewting Feature #240: Check with Alimak and Anders Saadio how satisfied they are Backlog #183: Other sensors Backlog #185: Redmine Backlog #188: LoRa network Feature #578: Update remaining gateways Backlog #190: Reporting to Tillväxtverket Feature #577: Make final report Backlog #202: Platform functions Feature #585: See to that we buy an UPS for the sever Backlog #225: Västerbotten på Grand Backlog #226: Municipality IoT Innovator kit Backlog #236: Actions to simplify and promote data providing and presentation Backlog #265: Demo for Creative summit (June 12th) Backlog #268: Presentations Backlog #275: Keep contact with CAAP Backlog #320: FIWARE Backlog #329: Publications connected to the project Backlog #346: Plan for second half of the project Backlog #353: Smart lamp posts Feature #387: Start looking at integration to our platform Backlog #368: Sara Kulturhus Backlog #375: IVo related Feature #586: Dismount sensors from the last 2 apartments Backlog #399: Multi modal interaction Backlog #408: Testbed Feature #410: Start looking at our testbed offer Backlog #409: Phoenix related Feature #561: Develop app for Riksbyggen Feature #580: Get data from SSiO platform for the Riksbyggen app Backlog #429: Dissemination Feature #581: See to that Sokigo get real time data from sensors Backlog #452: Municipality building data Backlog #507: Web site Feature #571: Send information security thesis works to Leif Feature #587: Put up company final reports on the web Backlog #510: Giotis related Feature #536: See to that we develope code to communicate with IoT Open Backlog #554: FraViVo related
ENiSDA In Progress 91% Backlog #633: Access to data Project: ENiSDA Status: In Progress Start date: 08/21/2024 Due date: 03/07/2025 Assignee: Lars Hansson Priority: Normal In Progress 0% Feature #692: Send requested data to Nafil Project: ENiSDA Status: In Progress Start date: 02/13/2025 Due date: 03/07/2025 Assignee: Petar Mitrovic Priority: Normal In Progress 50% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 71% Backlog #657: Ontology Project: ENiSDA Status: In Progress Start date: 10/22/2024 Due date: 03/21/2025 Assignee: Christer Åhlund Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #695: Ontology for Kristianstad, based on Piteå ontology Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 02/13/2025 Due date: 03/07/2025 Assignee: Lars Hansson Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #704: Check state of the art of higher levels in ontology Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 03/21/2025 Assignee: Saguna Saguna Priority: Normal In Progress 100% Backlog #693: Security Project: ENiSDA Status: In Progress Start date: 02/13/2025 Due date: 03/07/2025 Assignee: Saguna Saguna Priority: Normal New 0% Backlog #703: Visualization Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 03/31/2027 Assignee: Joo Chan Kim Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #707: Look for BIM or 3D models of "our schools" Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 03/31/2027 Assignee: Petar Mitrovic Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #708: Look for 3D maps of Kristianstad Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 04/03/2025 Assignee: Staffan Fredlund Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #709: Study state of the art regarding visualization of buildings, anomalies, energy flows... Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 04/03/2025 Assignee: Saguna Saguna Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #710: Look at NRLYZE's 3D-tool Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 04/03/2025 Assignee: Joo Chan Kim Priority: Normal New 0% Backlog #705: Study visits Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 04/03/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #706: Suggest date for study visit in Kristianstad after summer Project: ENiSDA Status: New Start date: 03/07/2025 Due date: 04/03/2025 Assignee: Petar Mitrovic Priority: Normal ESUDA In Progress 100% In Progress 68% Backlog #591: Åtkomst till fastighetssystemen Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 02/23/2024 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% New 0% New 0% Feature #701: Help Nafil and Ruvimbo to get access to schedules Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #702: Arrange meeting to discuss how to get data from Sara kulturhus Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal In Progress 100% Backlog #593: Dataset Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 03/11/2024 Due date: 04/04/2026 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal In Progress 60% Backlog #595: Disseminering Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 03/11/2024 Due date: 04/04/2026 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% New 0% Feature #697: Design and order rollup Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #698: Request stand at EUSEW 2025 Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/13/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #699: Show ESUDA at Gender contact point day Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/26/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal In Progress 100% Backlog #597: Metadata Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 03/11/2024 Due date: 04/30/2025 Assignee: Johan Andersson Priority: Normal In Progress 100% In Progress 44% New 0% New 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% New 0% In Progress 94% Backlog #629: Hackathon Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 06/26/2024 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal New 0% Feature #700: Talk to Google Hackathon organizers - Sell in challenges from ESUDA Project: ESUDA Status: New Start date: 02/26/2025 Due date: 03/20/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal In Progress 100% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% SenseSmartRegion In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 50% New 0% New 0% New 0% New 0% In Progress 67% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 75% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 67% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 89% New 0% In Progress 50% In Progress 0% New 0% New 0% In Progress 63% In Progress 0% New 0% New 0% In Progress 50% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% New 0% New 0% New 0% SSiO In Progress 92% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 80% New 0% In Progress 97% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 95% New 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 86% In Progress 0% In Progress 75% New 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 33% In Progress 0% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 97% In Progress 0% In Progress 96% In Progress 0% In Progress 96% New 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 100% In Progress 95% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 92% New 0% In Progress 100% New 0% New 0% In Progress 89% New 0% New 0% In Progress 96% In Progress 0% In Progress 100% In Progress 71% New 0% New 0% In Progress 50% In Progress 0% New 0%
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