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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
657ENiSDABacklogIn ProgressNormalOntologyChrister Åhlund03/11/2025 01:53 PM
642ESUDABacklogIn ProgressNormalOntologiesChrister Åhlund02/28/2025 11:37 AM
585SSiOFeatureNewNormalSee to that we buy an UPS for the severChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:24 PM
581SSiOFeatureIn ProgressNormalSee to that Sokigo get real time data from sensorsChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:36 PM
554SSiOBacklogNewNormalFraViVo relatedChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:39 PM
536SSiOFeatureIn ProgressNormalSee to that we develope code to communicate with IoT OpenChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:27 PM
510SSiOBacklogIn ProgressNormalGiotis relatedChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:27 PM
410SSiOFeatureNewNormalStart looking at our testbed offerChrister Åhlund09/07/2021 12:31 PM
408SSiOBacklogNewNormalTestbedChrister Åhlund09/07/2021 12:31 PM
399SSiOBacklogIn ProgressNormalMulti modal interactionChrister Åhlund05/29/2023 03:01 PM
387SSiOFeatureIn ProgressNormalStart looking at integration to our platformChrister Åhlund10/18/2023 01:25 PM
320SSiOBacklogIn ProgressNormalFIWAREChrister Åhlund04/22/2020 02:16 PM
154SSiOBacklogIn ProgressNormalBroaden platform competenceChrister Åhlund09/25/2018 08:46 AM
95SenseSmartRegionFeatureNewNormalIntroduce new person from LTU, to take over after NorthKingdomChrister Åhlund06/14/2018 02:19 PM
47SenseSmartRegionFeatureIn ProgressNormalStart security analysisChrister Åhlund02/20/2018 12:51 PM
39SenseSmartRegionBacklogIn ProgressNormalHow do we go on regarding AR?Christer Åhlund06/14/2018 02:15 PM
38SenseSmartRegionBacklogIn ProgressNormalSecurity analysis of the platformChrister Åhlund02/20/2018 12:51 PM

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