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Feature #643: Keep on working with ontolo...
Feature #643: Keep on working with ontologies together with Ruvimbo
Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 09/24/2024 Due date: 12/31/2024 Assignee: Nafil Lami Priority: Normal |
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Backlog #678: Energy declarations
Backlog #678: Energy declarations
Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 12/09/2024 Due date: 01/14/2025 Assignee: Johan Stenlund Priority: Normal
Feature #682: Look at graphic presentatio...
Feature #682: Look at graphic presentation together with Ruvimbo
Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 01/14/2025 Due date: 02/07/2025 Assignee: Nafil Lami Priority: Normal |
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Backlog #630: Rapportering till TVV
Backlog #630: Rapportering till TVV
Project: ESUDA Status: In Progress Start date: 06/27/2024 Due date: 01/31/2025 Assignee: Leif Häggmark Priority: Normal |
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