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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
82FeatureIn ProgressNormalCompare public cloud providers and make cost calculationKaran Mitra06/14/2018 02:19 PM
79FeatureIn ProgressNormalDevelop LoRa part to support actuationRaihan Ul Islam06/14/2018 02:13 PM
77BacklogIn ProgressNormalHost the platform after the projectKaran Mitra06/14/2018 02:19 PM
74FeatureIn ProgressNormalAsk for more Hololens GPS'esAnders Haraldsson06/14/2018 02:15 PM
70FeatureIn ProgressNormalPlace out sensorsDaniel Granlund06/14/2018 02:16 PM
68FeatureIn ProgressNormalGo on dicussing with CGI regarding their application and their demoAnders Haraldsson06/14/2018 02:15 PM
66BacklogIn ProgressNormalSenseSmartRegion AR in Hololens06/14/2018 02:19 PM
64BacklogIn ProgressNormalLoRa air quality sensorsDaniel Granlund06/14/2018 02:16 PM
61FeatureIn ProgressNormalSecurity report02/20/2018 12:51 PM
47FeatureIn ProgressNormalStart security analysisChrister Åhlund02/20/2018 12:51 PM
46FeatureIn ProgressNormalHow to develop virtual sensors with AR presentationRaihan Ul Islam02/20/2018 12:49 PM
43BacklogIn ProgressNormalMake different actors develop services on the platformLeif Häggmark06/14/2018 02:15 PM
42BacklogIn ProgressNormalAccess to dataKaran Mitra06/14/2018 08:26 AM
41BacklogIn ProgressNormalElsys sensors06/14/2018 02:15 PM
40BacklogIn ProgressNormalHackathon November 24th-26thLeif Häggmark12/08/2017 09:37 AM
39BacklogIn ProgressNormalHow do we go on regarding AR?Christer Åhlund06/14/2018 02:15 PM
38BacklogIn ProgressNormalSecurity analysis of the platformChrister Åhlund02/20/2018 12:51 PM
37BacklogIn ProgressNormalFunctions to set data of virtual sensors and presenting them as ARRaihan Ul Islam02/20/2018 12:49 PM
36BacklogIn ProgressNormalFunctions to actuate IoT devicesRaihan Ul Islam06/14/2018 02:13 PM
35BacklogIn ProgressNormalGUI incl. design, for administrating sensors connected to the platformJonas Bäckström06/15/2018 01:17 PM
27BacklogIn ProgressNormalAdd sensorsSaguna Saguna01/26/2018 09:53 AM
26BacklogIn ProgressNormalReports to TillväxtverktLeif Häggmark03/29/2018 11:04 AM
25BacklogIn ProgressNormalPlatform packagingKaran Mitra11/08/2017 09:15 AM
(76-98/98) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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