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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
146BacklogIn ProgressNormalDust bin service04/22/2020 02:12 PM
144BacklogIn ProgressNormalActuation functionRaihan Ul Islam04/26/2019 10:49 AM
132BacklogIn ProgressNormalMake presentation at a FIWARE Summit12/11/2018 09:56 AM
130BacklogIn ProgressNormalSensorsLeif Häggmark01/09/2019 03:47 PM
127BacklogIn ProgressNormalHololens ARJoo Chan Kim02/16/2021 03:21 PM
122BacklogIn ProgressNormalAir quality sensorsDaniel Granlund10/18/2023 01:21 PM
120BacklogIn ProgressNormalHololens GPSAnders Haraldsson02/08/2023 01:38 PM
113BacklogIn ProgressNormalMake documentation from SSR ready for SSiOKaran Mitra04/04/2022 08:10 AM
112BacklogIn ProgressNormalReceive GUI documentation and store it in our GithubKaran Mitra01/09/2019 09:08 AM
111BacklogIn ProgressNormalFunction to import VA data from Sokigo tools into CGI's AR-toolAnders Haraldsson10/18/2023 01:45 PM
110FeatureNewNormalUpdate documentation from workshops so that is up to date, and includes GUIRaihan Ul Islam06/15/2018 01:17 PM
109FeatureNewNormalCheck cost of open access for papersKaran Mitra06/14/2018 02:39 PM
108FeatureNewNormalWrite proposal for FIWARE Summit - also involve RaihanKaran Mitra06/14/2018 02:38 PM
107BacklogNewNormalDisseminationLeif Häggmark06/14/2018 02:38 PM
104FeatureNewNormalSend link to AR/Hololens code/documentation06/14/2018 02:19 PM
103FeatureNewNormalManage Sogeti's work with servicesLeif Häggmark06/14/2018 02:15 PM
102FeatureNewNormalInstall GUI on our platformRaihan Ul Islam06/14/2018 02:13 PM
101FeatureNewNormalGive Andreas access to our GithubKaran Mitra06/14/2018 02:13 PM
100FeatureNewNormalPut GUI into "our" GithubAndreas Hedin06/14/2018 02:13 PM
99FeatureNewNormalCheck LoRa coverage at Lejonströmsbron06/14/2018 02:16 PM
98FeatureNewNormalAssemble the 7 last sensorsDaniel Granlund06/14/2018 02:16 PM
95FeatureNewNormalIntroduce new person from LTU, to take over after NorthKingdomChrister Åhlund06/14/2018 02:19 PM
92BacklogIn ProgressNormalLoRa research05/16/2018 11:16 AM
86FeatureIn ProgressNormalDiscuss price with Elsys and buy the sensorsLeif Häggmark06/14/2018 02:15 PM
84FeatureIn ProgressNormalImplement handling of data from our platform06/14/2018 02:19 PM
(51-75/98) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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