From 10/23/2018 to 11/21/2018
- 02:36 PM SSiO Feature #203 (Closed): Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- 02:35 PM SSiO Feature #213 (Closed): Specify how the request should look like/parameters - and what kind of res...
- We came to the conclusion that we should specify our way to access sensors by position on and utilize the Geolocation...
- 01:25 PM SSiO Feature #212 (Closed): Install a switch at the LTU Alleato box - to be able to get traffic inform...
- 01:22 PM SSiO Feature #211 (Closed): Finish presentation
- 01:22 PM SSiO Feature #210 (Closed): Send latest SSR/SSiO presentation to Karan
- 01:21 PM SSiO Feature #209 (Closed): Connect our platform to LKAB LoRa network
- 01:19 PM SSiO Feature #208 (Closed): Configure gateway at Klockarhöjden
- 01:18 PM SSiO Feature #207 (Closed): Switch gateway at Kraftvärmerverket
- 01:16 PM SSiO Feature #169 (Closed): Promote Hackathon at LTU in Luleå
- 01:16 PM SSiO Feature #152 (Closed): Check premises
- 01:15 PM SSiO Feature #180 (Closed): Check with BI Nordic, DataDuctus, CGI, Sokigo and Sogeti for student chall...
- 01:13 PM SSiO Feature #206 (Closed): Ask Anders Saadio if he has any challenge
- 01:12 PM SSiO Feature #205 (Closed): Formulate a challenge for the hackathon - a Hololens demo on how to build ...
- 01:06 PM SSiO Feature #204 (In Progress): Order a LoRa ultrasound sensor
- 01:05 PM SSiO Feature #204 (Closed): Order a LoRa ultrasound sensor
- 10:59 AM SSiO Feature #200 (Closed): Find someone that can mount the gateway
- 10:59 AM SSiO Feature #199 (Closed): Discuss IP configration of gateways with Bertil
- 10:59 AM SSiO Feature #198 (Closed): Check if the gateway we took down is working
- 10:58 AM SSiO Feature #192 (Closed): Make final report for SSR to Tillväxtverket
- 10:58 AM SSiO Feature #171 (Closed): Focus on IVo security
- 10:58 AM SSiO Feature #182 (Closed): Make literature study regardingpatterns and anomalies from different sensors
- 10:15 AM SSiO Feature #197 (Closed): Meeting to discuss anomalities
- 10:03 AM SSiO Feature #186 (In Progress): Check problem withs links in emails from Redmine
- 09:40 AM SSiO Feature #196 (In Progress): Mount bin sensors on balcony and in Boviken
- 09:33 AM SSiO Feature #194 (Closed): Check if Karan can go to FIWARE Summit
- 09:31 AM SSiO Feature #201 (In Progress): Create a visualisation of sensor data in diagram form, in a way so we...
- 09:18 AM SSiO Feature #193 (In Progress): Discuss AR in the project with CGI
- 09:18 AM SSiO Feature #175 (In Progress): Discuss time plan for installation at DataDucts with Thomas Löfroth
- 09:18 AM SSiO Feature #175 (Feedback): Discuss time plan for installation at DataDucts with Thomas Löfroth
- 09:17 AM SSiO Feature #159 (Closed): Test installation of platform (at LTU)
- 01:31 PM SSiO Feature #203: Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- Me, karan and Andreas had a meeting last week discussing the basics: We presented the first use-case where our Holole...
- 01:30 PM SSiO Feature #203: Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- Me, karan and Andreas had a meeting last week discussing the basics: We presented the first use-case where our Holole...
- 01:30 PM SSiO Feature #203 (In Progress): Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sen...
- 01:29 PM SSiO Feature #203: Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- Me, karan and Andreas had a meeting last week discussing the basics: We presented the first use-case where our Holole...
- 01:29 PM SSiO Feature #203: Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- Me, karan and Andreas had a meeting last week discussing the basics: We presented the first use-case where our Holole...
- 06:16 PM SSiO Feature #203 (Closed): Start up a work regarding positions of sensors and discovering of sensors
- Work together with Karan, Saguna and Andreas
NOTE! - Me, karan and Andreas had a meeting last week discussing the ... - 06:13 PM SSiO Backlog #202 (In Progress): Platform functions
- 06:08 PM SSiO Feature #201 (Closed): Create a visualisation of sensor data in diagram form, in a way so we can ...
- 06:04 PM SSiO Feature #200 (Closed): Find someone that can mount the gateway
- 06:03 PM SSiO Feature #199 (Closed): Discuss IP configration of gateways with Bertil
- 06:02 PM SSiO Feature #198 (Closed): Check if the gateway we took down is working
- 06:01 PM SSiO Feature #189 (Closed): Mount the spare gateway at Kraftvärmeverket
- 01:05 PM SSiO Feature #189 (In Progress): Mount the spare gateway at Kraftvärmeverket
- 05:57 PM SSiO Feature #197 (Closed): Meeting to discuss anomalities
- Meeting with Anders He, Christer and Karan
- 05:54 PM SSiO Feature #180 (In Progress): Check with BI Nordic, DataDuctus, CGI, Sokigo and Sogeti for student ...
- 05:48 PM SSiO Feature #196 (Closed): Mount bin sensors on balcony and in Boviken
- 05:42 PM SSiO Feature #194 (Closed): Check if Karan can go to FIWARE Summit
- 05:38 PM SSiO Feature #193 (Closed): Discuss AR in the project with CGI
- 05:37 PM SSiO Feature #142 (Closed): Call for a meeting LTU - CGI to discuss AR development in the project
- 01:20 PM SSiO Feature #116 (Closed): Develop function to export VA data from Sokigo's tools into CGI's AR tool
- 01:12 PM SSiO Feature #192 (In Progress): Make final report for SSR to Tillväxtverket
- 01:11 PM SSiO Feature #191 (Closed): Make first SSiO report to Tillväxtverket
- 01:05 PM SSiO Feature #171 (In Progress): Focus on IVo security
- 01:03 PM SSiO Feature #182 (In Progress): Make literature study regardingpatterns and anomalies from different ...
- 01:02 PM SSiO Feature #173 (Closed): Check for alternative water meter outside the Alleato system
- 01:01 PM SSiO Feature #184 (Closed): Order a LoRa water meter
- 12:55 PM SSiO Feature #169 (In Progress): Promote Hackathon at LTU in Luleå
- 12:55 PM SSiO Feature #168 (In Progress): Take help from Johannes Hirche to promote hackathon to gaming students
- 12:44 PM SSiO Feature #166 (Closed): Mount sensors on bins, with help of Prolle
- 12:42 PM SSiO Feature #165 (Closed): See to that we get C-class sensors, so that we can do actuation
- 12:42 PM SSiO Feature #179 (Closed): Check with Patrik for C-class LoRa units
- 12:36 PM SSiO Feature #163 (Closed): Monitor if FIWARE summit accepts our draft
- 12:35 PM SSiO Feature #187 (Closed): Create restful interface so that Daniel can see air quality measurements, ...
- 12:30 PM SSiO Feature #178 (In Progress): Contact Hans Andersson and Lars Hedqvist to involve them in postions,...
- 12:23 PM SSiO Feature #177 (Closed): Go on working with sensor visualization - update sensor value when you loo...
- 12:18 PM SSiO Feature #175 (In Progress): Discuss time plan for installation at DataDucts with Thomas Löfroth
- 12:15 PM SSiO Feature #136 (In Progress): Make demo on video
- 12:14 PM SSiO Feature #135 (In Progress): Update information for users
- 12:49 PM SSiO Feature #192 (Closed): Make final report for SSR to Tillväxtverket
- 12:48 PM SSiO Feature #191 (Closed): Make first SSiO report to Tillväxtverket
- 12:47 PM SSiO Backlog #190 (In Progress): Reporting to Tillväxtverket
- 12:45 PM SSiO Feature #189 (Closed): Mount the spare gateway at Kraftvärmeverket
- 12:43 PM SSiO Backlog #188 (In Progress): LoRa network
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