Feature #213
Backlog #202: Platform functions
Specify how the request should look like/parameters - and what kind of response it will produce in the version 1
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We came to the conclusion that we should specify our way to access sensors by position on and utilize the Geolocation capabilities in the NGSIv2 protocol - a part of the Orion broker - already stated/recommended by Fiware. The geo capabilities are well suited for all our needs with both simple methods and more advanced.
And that we should make a public API available for external requests. This with the basics arguments needed for requesting data (login credentials, position X/Y, search radius aso) - eg in this case CGI and the hololens...
Sokigos suggestion is that we implement our basic layout/idea in a proof of concept - tested with the Hololens demo. We think Sokigo are suited to do this work?!
#1 Updated by Leif Häggmark over 6 years ago
- Sprint changed from Sprint 6 to Sprint 7
#2 Updated by Leif Häggmark about 6 years ago
- Sprint changed from Sprint 7 to Sprint 8
#3 Updated by Leif Häggmark about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed