



From 02/13/2025 to 03/14/2025


03:58 PM Feature #710 (New): Look at NRLYZE's 3D-tool
Leif Häggmark
03:57 PM Feature #709 (New): Study state of the art regarding visualization of buildings, anomalies, energ...
together with Joo Chan and Henrique Leif Häggmark
03:56 PM Feature #708 (New): Look for 3D maps of Kristianstad
Leif Häggmark
03:55 PM Feature #707 (New): Look for BIM or 3D models of "our schools"
Leif Häggmark
03:53 PM Feature #706 (New): Suggest date for study visit in Kristianstad after summer
Leif Häggmark
01:58 PM Backlog #705 (New): Study visits
Leif Häggmark
01:53 PM Feature #704 (New): Check state of the art of higher levels in ontology
Leif Häggmark
01:49 PM Feature #696 (Closed): Send more info regarding ontology to Lars
Leif Häggmark


12:07 PM Backlog #703 (New): Visualization
Leif Häggmark
11:58 AM Feature #694 (Closed): Send information to Petar that he can present to get access for master stu...
Leif Häggmark
09:09 AM Feature #692 (In Progress): Send requested data to Nafil
Leif Häggmark
09:09 AM Feature #691 (Closed): Send an email to Petar telling what data we need to analyze consumption
Leif Häggmark


04:06 PM Feature #696 (Closed): Send more info regarding ontology to Lars
Leif Häggmark
10:17 AM Feature #695 (New): Ontology for Kristianstad, based on Piteå ontology
Leif Häggmark
10:14 AM Feature #694 (Closed): Send information to Petar that he can present to get access for master stu...
Leif Häggmark
10:07 AM Backlog #693 (In Progress): Security
Leif Häggmark
10:06 AM Feature #692 (In Progress): Send requested data to Nafil
Leif Häggmark
10:05 AM Feature #691 (Closed): Send an email to Petar telling what data we need to analyze consumption
Leif Häggmark
09:27 AM Feature #635 (Closed): Together with Petar - Push Kristianstads IT to open upp for streaming of ...
Leif Häggmark
09:09 AM Feature #635 (In Progress): Together with Petar - Push Kristianstads IT to open upp for streamin...
Leif Häggmark
09:23 AM Feature #670 (Closed): Call for follow-up meeting LTU - Nrlyze, (after studying tag names) = meet...
Leif Häggmark
09:15 AM Feature #676 (Closed): Meeting LTU-Nrlyse 11/12 9-10
Leif Häggmark
09:08 AM Feature #677 (Closed): Call for meeting with C4, to get explanations of energy data
Leif Häggmark

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