From 01/14/2023 to 02/12/2023
- 02:24 PM Backlog #554 (New): FraViVo related
- 02:20 PM Feature #552 (Closed): Show SSiO at Gender Contact Point Day 2023
- 02:18 PM Feature #551 (Closed): Offer internship
- 02:16 PM Feature #550 (Closed): See to that we start getting data from Bravida
- 02:13 PM Feature #549 (In Progress): Get feedback from Sundbyberg
- 01:39 PM Feature #482 (Closed): Keep the discussion running with Skellefteå Kraft
- 01:39 PM Feature #523 (Closed): Set up an MQTT server
- 01:37 PM Feature #442 (Closed): Get feedback from Lycksele municipality
- 09:40 AM Feature #541 (Closed): Send text about Smart City conference in Cyprus
- 09:36 AM Feature #547 (Closed): Participate in Västerbotten på Grand
- 09:29 AM Feature #546 (Closed): Put the MQTT server up on AWS
- 09:28 AM Feature #531 (In Progress): Find suitable netbox for the lamp posts
- 09:26 AM Feature #544 (Closed): Check if Mikael Byström can help with the netbox
- 09:26 AM Feature #545 (Closed): Call for meeting with Anders Saadio
- 02:15 PM Feature #548 (Closed): Make report for November to January
- 02:08 PM Feature #547 (Closed): Participate in Västerbotten på Grand
- 02:05 PM Feature #546 (Closed): Put the MQTT server up on AWS
- 01:56 PM Feature #545 (Closed): Call for meeting with Anders Saadio
- To discuss projecting lights, and generally about our smart lamp post activities.
- 01:54 PM Feature #544 (Closed): Check if Mikael Byström can help with the netbox
- 01:18 PM Feature #543 (Closed): Put some news on the web site
- 01:17 PM Feature #541 (In Progress): Send text about Smart City conference in Cyprus
- 01:17 PM Feature #540 (In Progress): Send abstract of Zahraa's work to Leif
- 01:16 PM Feature #534 (In Progress): Try to get our own login to the district heating consumption
- 01:16 PM Feature #538 (In Progress): Phoenix app
- 01:16 PM Feature #523 (In Progress): Set up an MQTT server
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