



From 11/12/2021 to 12/11/2021


01:30 PM Feature #489 (Closed): Write report to Tillväxtverket for july-november
Leif Häggmark
01:28 PM Feature #488 (Closed): Arrange "medfinansieringsintyg" and "de minimis-intyg"
Leif Häggmark
01:24 PM Feature #487 (Closed): Arrange "samarbetsavtal" for the prolonging of the project
Leif Häggmark
01:23 PM Feature #483 (Closed): Call for meetings with TVV and Region Västerbotten regarding prolonging an...
Leif Häggmark
01:22 PM Feature #464 (Closed): Make report for January - June 2021
Leif Häggmark
01:22 PM Feature #453 (In Progress): Start entering energy data into the SSiO platfrom
Leif Häggmark
01:22 PM Feature #472 (Closed): Plan participation in Smart City World Expo Congress
Leif Häggmark
01:22 PM Feature #486 (Closed): See to that the installations are done
Leif Häggmark
01:20 PM Feature #485 (Closed): Check status around continued operation with Alleato
Leif Häggmark
01:17 PM Feature #482 (In Progress): Keep the discussion running with Skellefteå Kraft
Leif Häggmark
01:16 PM Feature #478 (Closed): Check and possibly exchange the gateway at Klosterhöjden
Leif Häggmark
01:16 PM Feature #477 (In Progress): Check with Daniel about sensors for Erikslid
Leif Häggmark
01:16 PM Feature #243 (Closed): A wish from the steering group - place one at Sörböleskolan
Leif Häggmark


08:59 AM Feature #484 (Closed): Check if somene from LTU can attend FIWARE Summit January 19-20
Leif Häggmark
08:54 AM Feature #483 (Closed): Call for meetings with TVV and Region Västerbotten regarding prolonging an...
Leif Häggmark
08:43 AM Feature #482 (Closed): Keep the discussion running with Skellefteå Kraft
Leif Häggmark

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