



From 12/04/2020 to 01/02/2021


02:52 PM Feature #427 (Closed): Check with Fabian about Museum Anna Nordlander and the VR solutions there
Leif Häggmark


12:30 PM Feature #426 (Closed): Make report for September to December 2020 to Tillväxtverket
Leif Häggmark
12:24 PM Feature #425 (Closed): Work more with demo for Cultural house
Leif Häggmark
12:23 PM Feature #424 (Closed): Arrange meeting with Skellefteå Kraft early 2021
Leif Häggmark
12:20 PM Feature #423 (Closed): Think of smart lamp post demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:19 PM Feature #422 (Closed): Think of chat with objects demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:17 PM Feature #421 (Closed): Prepare Elderly care demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:16 PM Feature #420 (Closed): Prepare IoT Innovator kit demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:12 PM Feature #419 (Closed): Prepare Multi Modal interaction demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:09 PM Feature #418 (Closed): Prepare Culture house demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:08 PM Feature #417 (Closed): Prepare BI Nordic demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:07 PM Feature #416 (Closed): Prepare CGI demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:07 PM Feature #415 (Closed): Prepare Sokigo demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:06 PM Feature #414 (Closed): Prepare DataDuctus platform demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
12:05 PM Feature #413 (Closed): Prepare Air quality sensor demo for workshop
Leif Häggmark
11:59 AM Feature #411 (In Progress): Start thinking of how our platform can serve Phoenix
Leif Häggmark
11:59 AM Feature #400 (In Progress): Find use cases for multi modal interaction
Leif Häggmark
11:59 AM Feature #412 (In Progress): Make a demo of the work related to Multi modal interaction
Leif Häggmark
11:56 AM Feature #391 (In Progress): Create functions so that we can share data from the platform
Leif Häggmark
11:56 AM Feature #404 (In Progress): Make integration with Posifon
Leif Häggmark
11:56 AM Feature #393 (In Progress): Get the new server up and running
Leif Häggmark
11:56 AM Feature #407 (In Progress): Look at the gateway we took down from Vitberget
Leif Häggmark
11:56 AM Feature #392 (In Progress): Update firmware in spare gateway
Leif Häggmark
09:36 AM Feature #397 (In Progress): Check with Exploratoriet if we can run the workshop there
Leif Häggmark


10:28 AM Feature #412 (Closed): Make a demo of the work related to Multi modal interaction
Leif Häggmark

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