From 05/11/2019 to 06/09/2019
- 11:27 AM Feature #278 (Closed): Talk to Sokigo
- 11:24 AM Feature #277 (Closed): Help Oskar at DataDuctus to configure their platform, and make it to recei...
- 01:33 PM Feature #249 (Closed): Look deeply into possible FIWARE licence cost, for commersial use
- 01:32 PM Feature #276 (Closed): Arrange meeting Michael Carlberg Lax, Christer and Leif
- 11:39 AM Backlog #275 (In Progress): Keep contact with CAAP
- 11:37 AM Feature #274 (Closed): Also think of how many platforms we need, and the purpose of each
- 11:36 AM Feature #273 (Closed): Follow up mounting the 5th gateway at Anderstorp
- 11:36 AM Feature #259 (In Progress): Continue the dialogue with the municipality
- 11:35 AM Feature #272 (Closed): Make report for January-March to Tillväxtverket
- 11:31 AM Feature #257 (In Progress): Start to look at security lab
- 11:30 AM Feature #269 (Closed): Invite Meru to make a presentation May 17th
- 11:29 AM Feature #270 (Closed): Invite winning primary school team to present their idea May 17th
- 11:29 AM Feature #271 (Closed): Check if it´s possible to have a Air quality demo on Hololens befpre June ...
- 11:19 AM Feature #267 (In Progress): See if we can make an object recognition demo
- 11:18 AM Feature #266 (Closed): Chck with CGI if their pipe demo would be easy to change into an electrica...
- 11:18 AM Feature #263 (Closed): Think of linked data
- 11:18 AM Feature #256 (In Progress): Write down the scenario discussed at the meeting
- 09:42 AM Feature #261 (In Progress): Push both Bertil and Mobile heights
- 09:40 AM Feature #260 (In Progress): Negotiate price for positioning
- 09:40 AM Feature #251 (Closed): Check why Klockarhöjden stopped
- 09:39 AM Feature #258 (Closed): Find alternative POE injector
- 09:39 AM Feature #252 (Closed): Try to find "network student" that can help with LoRa upgrading
- 09:39 AM Feature #252 (Resolved): Try to find "network student" that can help with LoRa upgrading
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