



From 09/27/2018 to 10/26/2018


06:52 AM Feature #187 (Closed): Create restful interface so that Daniel can see air quality measurements, ...
Leif Häggmark


11:49 AM Feature #186 (Closed): Check problem withs links in emails from Redmine
Leif Häggmark
11:48 AM Backlog #185 (In Progress): Redmine
Leif Häggmark
11:47 AM Feature #184 (Closed): Order a LoRa water meter
Leif Häggmark
11:46 AM Backlog #183 (In Progress): Other sensors
Leif Häggmark
11:44 AM Feature #182 (Closed): Make literature study regardingpatterns and anomalies from different sensors
Leif Häggmark
11:42 AM Feature #181 (Closed): Start testing with the sensors at LTU
Leif Häggmark
11:41 AM Feature #173 (In Progress): Check for alternative water meter outside the Alleato system
Leif Häggmark
11:40 AM Feature #180 (Closed): Check with BI Nordic, DataDuctus, CGI, Sokigo and Sogeti for student chall...
Leif Häggmark
11:37 AM Feature #165 (In Progress): See to that we get C-class sensors, so that we can do actuation
Leif Häggmark
11:37 AM Feature #179 (Closed): Check with Patrik for C-class LoRa units
Leif Häggmark
11:35 AM Feature #124 (Closed): Check how we get power at Lejonströmsbron and othe possible locations
Leif Häggmark
11:35 AM Feature #178 (Closed): Contact Hans Andersson and Lars Hedqvist to involve them in postions, and ...
Leif Häggmark
11:30 AM Feature #177 (Closed): Go on working with sensor visualization - update sensor value when you loo...
Leif Häggmark
11:28 AM Feature #176 (In Progress): Sogeti reports every sprint meewting
Leif Häggmark
11:28 AM Feature #176 (In Progress): Sogeti reports every sprint meewting
Leif Häggmark
11:26 AM Feature #175 (Closed): Discuss time plan for installation at DataDucts with Thomas Löfroth
Leif Häggmark
07:45 AM Feature #170 (In Progress): Check with Skellefteå Kraft if we can get traffic reports from IVo ap...
Leif Häggmark
07:35 AM Feature #164 (Closed): Send spec of DataDuctus LoRa unit to Nibia
Leif Häggmark
07:21 AM Feature #123 (Closed): Mount battery powered sensor at lejonströmsbron for trials
Leif Häggmark
07:17 AM Feature #172 (Closed): Visualise air quality sensor in Hololens
Leif Häggmark
07:09 AM Feature #162 (Closed): Put NorthKingdom´s work into Github
Leif Häggmark
07:06 AM Feature #161 (Closed): Invite Sogeti for short progress reports at sprint meetings
Leif Häggmark
07:05 AM Feature #159 (In Progress): Test installation of platform (at LTU)
Leif Häggmark


02:49 PM Feature #173 (Closed): Check for alternative water meter outside the Alleato system
Leif Häggmark


08:44 AM Feature #172 (Closed): Visualise air quality sensor in Hololens
Sensor at Lejonströmsbron, if it is up and running, otherwise the sensor at Leif's balcony. Leif Häggmark
08:41 AM Feature #171 (Closed): Focus on IVo security
Leif Häggmark
08:37 AM Feature #170 (Closed): Check with Skellefteå Kraft if we can get traffic reports from IVo apartments
Leif Häggmark
08:35 AM Feature #158 (Closed): Start thinking of how to automatically monitor security through communiati...
Leif Häggmark
08:33 AM Feature #169 (Closed): Promote Hackathon at LTU in Luleå
Leif Häggmark
08:32 AM Feature #168 (Closed): Take help from Johannes Hirche to promote hackathon to gaming students
Leif Häggmark
08:31 AM Feature #149 (In Progress): Start up dialogue with the municipality again
Leif Häggmark
08:30 AM Feature #167 (Closed): Check dust bin sensor protocol
Leif Häggmark
08:29 AM Feature #166 (Closed): Mount sensors on bins, with help of Prolle
Leif Häggmark
08:22 AM Feature #165 (Closed): See to that we get C-class sensors, so that we can do actuation
Leif Häggmark
08:21 AM Feature #164 (Closed): Send spec of DataDuctus LoRa unit to Nibia
Leif Häggmark
08:19 AM Feature #145 (In Progress): Finish actuation function through LoRa
Leif Häggmark
08:18 AM Feature #163 (Closed): Monitor if FIWARE summit accepts our draft
Leif Häggmark
08:15 AM Feature #134 (Closed): Send in the draft
Leif Häggmark
08:15 AM Feature #133 (Closed): Write a draft
Leif Häggmark
08:11 AM Feature #162 (Closed): Put NorthKingdom´s work into Github
Leif Häggmark
08:09 AM Feature #161 (Closed): Invite Sogeti for short progress reports at sprint meetings
Leif Häggmark
08:08 AM Feature #140 (Closed): Review of documentation
Leif Häggmark
08:07 AM Feature #114 (Closed): Get documentation in such shape that any company could start developing se...
Leif Häggmark
07:25 AM Backlog #160 (In Progress): Sogeti work with Municipality lighting and Alimak
Leif Häggmark
07:04 AM Feature #159 (Closed): Test installation of platform (at LTU)
Tests, so that we know that it will work to make an installation at DataDuctus later. Leif Häggmark
06:56 AM Feature #137 (Closed): Develop Centering functionality
Leif Häggmark

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