



From 01/20/2020 to 02/18/2020


01:59 PM SSiO Feature #337 (Closed): Follow up mounting of Lycksele gateway
Leif Häggmark
01:58 PM SSiO Feature #336 (Closed): Organize meeting Anders - Christer- Saguna
Leif Häggmark
01:56 PM SSiO Feature #335 (Closed): Check Kit documentation
Leif Häggmark
01:54 PM SSiO Feature #325 (Closed): Develop a prototype of the innovator kit
Leif Häggmark
01:54 PM SSiO Feature #334 (Closed): Discuss sensor needs with the municipality
Leif Häggmark
01:51 PM SSiO Feature #288 (In Progress): Ship 1 sensor to Lycksele and 2 to Kiruna
Leif Häggmark
01:49 PM SSiO Feature #280 (Closed): Tests at DataDuctus
Leif Häggmark
01:48 PM SSiO Feature #304 (In Progress): Update the Kiruna platform
Leif Häggmark
01:45 PM SSiO Feature #333 (Closed): Also include Mevia data
Leif Häggmark
01:44 PM SSiO Feature #332 (Closed): Also include IVo data from Kiruna
Leif Häggmark


04:11 PM SSiO Feature #321 (Closed): Discuss FIWARE course with Robert
Leif Häggmark
04:09 PM SSiO Feature #125 (Closed): Mount the rest of the LoRa sensors in Skellefteå
Leif Häggmark
04:09 PM SSiO Feature #328 (In Progress): Add the sensor in Lycksele to the web presentations
Leif Häggmark


12:56 PM SSiO Feature #331 (Closed): Send links to links to existing publications to Leif
Leif Häggmark
12:54 PM SSiO Feature #330 (Closed): Publish links to articles at our web site
Leif Häggmark
12:44 PM SSiO Backlog #329 (In Progress): Publications connected to the project
Leif Häggmark
12:15 PM SSiO Feature #328 (Closed): Add the sensor in Lycksele to the web presentations
Leif Häggmark
10:05 AM SSiO Feature #327 (New): Test together with VA applikation
Leif Häggmark
10:04 AM SSiO Feature #326 (Closed): Make report for September to March
Leif Häggmark
09:56 AM SSiO Feature #302 (Closed): Look at Thingsboard-FIWARE integration together with Christer and Raihan
Leif Häggmark
09:56 AM SSiO Feature #325 (In Progress): Develop a prototype of the innovator kit
Leif Häggmark
07:49 AM SSiO Feature #324 (In Progress): Submit abstract to next FIWARE Global Summit (June 23-24)
Leif Häggmark
07:49 AM SSiO Feature #322 (In Progress): Look at FIWARE data models
Leif Häggmark

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