



From 10/11/2019 to 11/09/2019


02:30 PM SSiO Feature #315 (Closed): Meet Umeå IoT-hub
Leif Häggmark
02:29 PM SSiO Feature #314 (Closed): Create linkage to Lund and other city to give platform guidance for other ...
Leif Häggmark
02:24 PM SSiO Feature #313 (Closed): Analyze dump from gateway
Leif Häggmark
02:24 PM SSiO Feature #312 (Closed): Put box in Sagunas room to collect data from sensors
Leif Häggmark
02:22 PM SSiO Feature #311 (Closed): Try to get OTAA-keys for two air quality sensors fron Kiruna / LKAB
Leif Häggmark
02:20 PM SSiO Feature #310 (Closed): QR-codes / Geofencing
Together with Choo San - Look att QR-codes to identify sensors, or Geofencing, or both Leif Häggmark
02:17 PM SSiO Feature #309 (Closed): Connect Jan H and Fredrik D to discuss certificate billing
Leif Häggmark
02:13 PM SSiO Feature #303 (In Progress): Make a suggestion with Pycom Pysense as base for the kit
Leif Häggmark
02:13 PM SSiO Feature #308 (Closed): Look at Thingsboard licences - is there one for acedemia?
Leif Häggmark
02:13 PM SSiO Feature #308 (In Progress): Look at Thingsboard licences - is there one for acedemia?
Leif Häggmark
02:12 PM SSiO Feature #307 (In Progress): Separate IVo data
Leif Häggmark
02:11 PM SSiO Feature #306 (Closed): Make report for april - august to Tillväxtverket
Leif Häggmark
02:11 PM SSiO Feature #292 (Closed): Ship one gateway to Lycksele
Leif Häggmark
02:07 PM SSiO Feature #220 (In Progress): Include CGI in the VA Open discussions
Leif Häggmark
01:14 PM SSiO Feature #290 (Closed): If good test result migrate all gateways and sensors
Leif Häggmark
12:51 PM SSiO Feature #300 (Closed): Switch to OTTA
Leif Häggmark
12:35 PM SSiO Feature #297 (Closed): Certificate for DataDuctus
Leif Häggmark
11:59 AM SSiO Feature #284 (Closed): Look at kit based on Thingsboard, LoRa and Arduino for outdoor use
Leif Häggmark

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