



From 01/23/2018 to 02/21/2018


10:23 AM Feature #78 (Closed): Look at how to host the platform after the project
Look at this together with Raihan Leif Häggmark
10:21 AM Backlog #77 (In Progress): Host the platform after the project
Leif Häggmark


01:19 PM Feature #75 (Closed): Report for September - December
Leif Häggmark
01:15 PM Feature #74 (In Progress): Ask for more Hololens GPS'es
Leif Häggmark
01:10 PM Feature #73 (Closed): Suggest a plan for NorthKingdom's AR work in SenseSmartRegion
Leif Häggmark
01:08 PM Feature #72 (Closed): Produce a first demo of SenseSmartRegion AR in Hololens
Leif Häggmark
01:07 PM Feature #67 (Closed): Start to look at AR presentation of data from our platform in Hololens
Leif Häggmark
01:07 PM Feature #71 (Closed): Register new air quality senors for LoRa
Leif Häggmark
01:04 PM Feature #70 (In Progress): Place out sensors
Place out a number of sensors according to the municipality's wishes and start taking in the measured values. Save on... Leif Häggmark
01:00 PM Feature #65 (Closed): Produce the new air quality sensors with LoRa communication
Leif Häggmark
12:57 PM Feature #69 (Closed): Send out service use case list for review and ideas
At our next meeting 2018-03-28 we will decide which services to develop using project budget. Leif Häggmark


09:56 AM Feature #68 (In Progress): Go on dicussing with CGI regarding their application and their demo
Leif Häggmark
09:50 AM Feature #61 (In Progress): Security report
Leif Häggmark


04:28 PM Feature #68 (In Progress): Go on dicussing with CGI regarding their application and their demo
Anders will add Leif to the discussion, and we suggest that they can work on SSiO budget Leif Häggmark
04:27 PM Feature #67 (Closed): Start to look at AR presentation of data from our platform in Hololens
Leif Häggmark
04:25 PM Backlog #66 (In Progress): SenseSmartRegion AR in Hololens
Leif Häggmark
04:18 PM Feature #65 (Closed): Produce the new air quality sensors with LoRa communication
Leif Häggmark
04:17 PM Backlog #64 (In Progress): LoRa air quality sensors
Leif Häggmark
04:01 PM Feature #63 (Closed): Check if Innan are intrested in AR demo
Leif Häggmark
04:01 PM Feature #63 (Closed): Check if Innan are intrested in AR demo
Leif Häggmark
03:54 PM Feature #62 (Closed): Check for thesis workers among the game developers
Leif Häggmark
03:53 PM Feature #59 (Closed): Meet CGI and discuss how they can help
Leif Häggmark
03:52 PM Feature #48 (Closed): Find out how we get someone that can work with AR
Leif Häggmark
03:52 PM Feature #58 (Closed): Check if we can find thesis workers at "Interaction & Design" in Umeå
Leif Häggmark
03:51 PM Feature #60 (Closed): Check with student in Luleå
Leif Häggmark
03:48 PM Feature #61 (In Progress): Security report
Leif Häggmark
03:29 PM Feature #57 (Closed): Discuss with NorthKingdom
Leif Häggmark


09:53 AM Feature #29 (Closed): Connect sensors from IoT course to FIWARE
Leif Häggmark

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