

Leif Häggmark's activity

From 09/19/2023 to 10/18/2023


01:31 PM SSiO Feature #581 (In Progress): See to that Sokigo get real time data from sensors
Leif Häggmark
01:31 PM SSiO Feature #450 (Closed): Start to build foundation for Stadens kontrollrum
Leif Häggmark
01:31 PM SSiO Feature #451 (Closed): Set up SW to create 3D model for Stadens kontrollrum
Leif Häggmark
01:27 PM SSiO Feature #587 (New): Put up company final reports on the web
Leif Häggmark
01:26 PM SSiO Feature #509 (Closed): Make staff page on our web site
Leif Häggmark
01:26 PM SSiO Feature #586 (New): Dismount sensors from the last 2 apartments
Leif Häggmark
01:25 PM SSiO Feature #579 (Closed): Check dismounting of remaining sensors with the municipality
Leif Häggmark
01:24 PM SSiO Feature #526 (Closed): Check how to connect further
Leif Häggmark
01:24 PM SSiO Feature #585 (New): See to that we buy an UPS for the sever
Leif Häggmark
01:22 PM SSiO Feature #565 (Closed): Buy and install new server
Leif Häggmark
07:33 AM SSiO Feature #577 (In Progress): Make final report
Leif Häggmark
07:31 AM SSiO Feature #584 (Closed): Check old texts from the companies
Leif Häggmark
07:18 AM SSiO Feature #440 (Closed): Demonstrate linked data functionality
Leif Häggmark
07:16 AM SSiO Feature #578 (In Progress): Update remaining gateways
Leif Häggmark
07:16 AM SSiO Feature #583 (Closed): Conect and test soil sensor
Leif Häggmark
07:09 AM SSiO Feature #582 (In Progress): Set up Grafana for data visualization, use air quality sensor as example
Leif Häggmark
07:09 AM SSiO Feature #556 (Closed): Check status of sensors at Eriksberg
Leif Häggmark


12:35 PM SSiO Feature #537 (Closed): Connect sensors to Skellefteå Krafts's IoT platform
Leif Häggmark


08:10 AM SSiO Feature #584 (Closed): Check old texts from the companies
Leif Häggmark
08:05 AM SSiO Feature #508 (Closed): Check if the existing publication page also works for thesis works
Leif Häggmark
08:04 AM SSiO Feature #540 (Closed): Send abstract of Zahraa's work to Leif
Leif Häggmark
07:31 AM SSiO Feature #583 (Closed): Conect and test soil sensor
Leif Häggmark
07:30 AM SSiO Feature #560 (Closed): Connect and test the moisture sensor
Leif Häggmark
07:29 AM SSiO Feature #459 (Closed): Get data from bath water temperature sensors, and present them in Thingsboard
Leif Häggmark


08:51 AM SSiO Feature #582 (In Progress): Set up Grafana for data visualization, use air quality sensor as example
Leif Häggmark
08:49 AM SSiO Feature #581 (In Progress): See to that Sokigo get real time data from sensors
Leif Häggmark
08:47 AM SSiO Feature #580 (New): Get data from SSiO platform for the Riksbyggen app
Leif Häggmark
08:26 AM SSiO Feature #579 (Closed): Check dismounting of remaining sensors with the municipality
Leif Häggmark
08:14 AM SSiO Feature #578 (In Progress): Update remaining gateways
Leif Häggmark


01:31 PM SSiO Feature #577 (In Progress): Make final report
Leif Häggmark
01:30 PM SSiO Feature #574 (Closed): Make report for February to June
Leif Häggmark
01:30 PM SSiO Feature #558 (Closed): Check if we can get a BIM model for the ACE building
Leif Häggmark
01:30 PM SSiO Feature #516 (Closed): Check if we can publish energy data from municipality buildings in "staden...
Leif Häggmark
01:29 PM SSiO Feature #532 (Closed): Book meetings with pilots to dismount sensor equipment, bring Suman
Leif Häggmark

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