Leif Häggmark's activity
From 10/24/2022 to 11/22/2022
- 03:43 PM SSiO Feature #536 (In Progress): See to that we develope code to communicate with IoT Open
- 03:42 PM SSiO Feature #535 (Closed): Find out how much of the consumption relates to the apartments where we ha...
- 03:39 PM SSiO Feature #534 (Closed): Try to get our own login to the district heating consumption
- 03:37 PM SSiO Feature #533 (Closed): Accompany Leif to the the pilot apartments in iVO
- 03:34 PM SSiO Feature #532 (Closed): Book meetings with pilots to dismount sensor equipment, bring Suman
- 03:33 PM SSiO Feature #531 (Closed): Find suitable netbox for the lamp posts
- 03:31 PM SSiO Feature #530 (Closed): Help Ruben with the kit
- 03:27 PM SSiO Feature #527 (In Progress): Try to organise hackathon
- 03:22 PM SSiO Feature #528 (Closed): Check API
- 09:31 AM SSiO Feature #387 (In Progress): Start looking at integration to our platform
- 09:31 AM SSiO Feature #526 (In Progress): Check how to connect further
- 09:31 AM SSiO Feature #525 (Closed): Send lamp post drawing to Johan, also check positions
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